FILM & Video
I have been fortunate enough to work with many groups in both Film and Videography. M’Guphynn Media is a film team I have been working with now since 2015 and we have done, fan films, Music Videos, and Web Series together. Rogers TV is another group I work with producing local content for cable TV and YouTube including mini-documentaries, video podcasts and my own variety show.
Miles Behind: A Spider-man fan Film
Miles Behind was a short film produced by M’Guphynn Media. I was a producer, graphic designer, covid compliance officer and had a small walk-on role for this project. It started me on the path to getting more confident in using Adobe After Effects to block out logos in the background. More can be found on what I did for this project in my blog post here.
This Episode in particular is from October 2023 and is a bit unhinged compared to the norm.
What’s Up Fort Mac
What’s Up Fort Mac is a monthly local television program made originally for Shaw Spotlight (now Rogers TV) where I as the host talk with local non-profits and charities about the events and services they provide. I not only star, but I also edit most of the episodes as well.
Cat Scratching the Surface
This is a mini-doc I filmed in Fort McMurray following a traditional artist Cat Hare and her journey of using her art to help move through some of her past issues and create something beautiful in the process.
Oil Barons Dream Home Lottery
This ad was made for the Fort McMurray Oil Barons Dream Home Lottery for the Seller Direct Northern Homes Realty team. I always loved the 90s sitcom look and thought an intro would be a great and funny way to display some of the areas of the home.